Our Packages

Basic Package

monthly package


  • 3 social media posts per week
  • Basic content creation (text and simple graphics)
  • Weekly performance analytics report

Standard Package

monthly package


  • 5 social media posts per week
  • Enhanced content creation (including images and basic videos)
  • Audience engagement (responding to comments/messages)
  • Bi-weekly performance analytics report

Premium Package

monthly package


  • 7 social media posts per week
  • Advanced content creation (including images, videos, and GIFs)
  • Community management (engaging with relevant communities/groups)
  • Daily monitoring of social media platforms
  • Weekly performance analytics report with insights

Pro Package

monthly package


  • 10 social media posts per week
  • Premium content creation (high-quality images, videos, and animations)
  • Comprehensive audience engagement (24/7 monitoring and response)
  • Social media advertising management (budget not included)
  • Customized monthly performance analytics report

Elite Package

monthly package


  • 12 social media posts per week
  • Elite content creation (professionally produced images, videos, and animations)
  • VIP audience engagement (priority support and dedicated account manager)
  • Advanced social media advertising management (budget not included)
  • Monthly performance analytics report with actionable recommendations

Ultimate Package

monthly package


  • 15 social media posts per week
  • Ultimate content creation (bespoke designs, high-end videos, and interactive content)
  • Concierge-level audience engagement (personalized interactions and relationship building)
  • Strategic social media advertising management (budget not included)
  • Bi-weekly performance analytics report with strategic consultations

Platinum Package

monthly package


  • 20 social media posts per week
  • Platinum content creation (top-tier designs, cinematic videos, interactive experiences)
  • White-glove audience engagement (full-service community management)
  • Premium social media advertising management (budget not included)
  • Weekly performance analytics report with executive summaries

Bespoke Package

monthly package


  • Tailored social media strategy and execution
  • Customized number of posts per week
  • Premium content creation and management
  • Dedicated account team
  • Full-scale performance analytics and strategic consultations